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Monday 29 October 2018
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Healthy Kitty 2018 1.jpg


27th October 2018, Saturday


Kuching, Sarawak; A total of 37 medical students from PPD 1032 Credited Co Curriculum (Sub core: Healthy Kitty, Core: Community Service) supervised by Madam Siti Zaleha Raduan had organized a program that aims to promote awareness on general health and well being amongst year 3 students of SK ST. Teresa with the theme of ‘H.E.Y (Healthy, Exercise, Youngsters)’.79 participants from SK ST. Teresa were involved in a few activities being held to meet the objectives of Healthy Kitty program. The idea of the program was to offer community service by embedding medical knowledge into it and at the same time it was to give a clearer definition of health to this young group of participants.

Throughout the program, the participants were to move from a station to station in which the stations cover completely different objectives, however still focusing on the main aim which is to emphasize on the general health and well being. The program was started off with zumba session led by the medical students and followed by games that indirectly project the importances of staying fit.

They were taught on proper hand washing and were given a brief exposure on the phrase 3Bs (basuh, balut, buang) together with a demostration for proper sanitary pad disposal as to mould them on staying clean for their future benefits. Apart from that, there was also a mini screening carried out that evaluates their personal hygiene (oral, nails, hair lice).

Food and health are closely related as the phrase goes ‘you are what you eat’ and in this program, ‘suku suku separuh’ was incorporated as a part of a way of introducing them on a well-balanced meal for a healthier self. At the end of the day, Healthy Kitty brought together the components that define ‘healthy’ and these include being physically healthy, eating healthy food and practicing good hygiene.

From table,

Geena Meri Peter

Publicity and Media





Healthy Kitty 2018 2

The participants doing sit up as part of their fitness activities



Healthy Kitty 2018 3

Medical student screening for the participant's oral hygiene



Healthy Kitty 2018 4

A group of SK. ST Teresa participants with medical students after 'Let's shake it' session

