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Clinical Simulation Centre at Jom Masuk U Carnival 2018
Saturday 07 April 2018
Hits : 956
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7 April 2018: The Clinical Simulation Centre, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) was honoured to be part of the “Jom Masuk U” Carnival 2018 organized by the Ministry of Higher Education and hosted by UNIMAS on the 7th to 8th April 2018. Our exhibition booth received an overwhelming response from the crowd who were eager to learn and have some hands-on cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) experience. Our team of trainers, nurses and doctors also took to the stage for a CPR demonstration which saw participations from the Carnival attendees of all ages. On hand were also some “superhero” characters namely Spiderman, Captain America and Deadpool who drew a crowd to our booth when they came to visit.


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