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KOTA SAMARAHAN, 29th May 2017: Universiti Malaysia Sarawak (UNIMAS) will continue to focus and emphasize on research and innovations that is relevant to the country needs as well as has the potential to be commercialised. YBhg Professor Dato’ Dr Mohamad Kadim Suaidi said this during the press conference on UNIMAS achievement at the recent 28th International Invention, Innovation & Technology Exhibition (ITEX) which was held at Kuala Lumpur on the 11th to 13th May 2017.
Organised by the Malaysia Invention and Design Society (MINDS) and supported by Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation, Ministry of Higher Education and Ministry of Education Malaysia, ITEX 2017 attracted creations from leading inventors and innovators, academics, research institutions and young entrepreneurs who share a common goal that is invention is primary source that propel the world’s technology and new orders in wealth creation.
“From 10 inventions that were showcased by UNIMAS researchers, we were awarded 1 gold and 9 silver, out of 560 inventions portrayed in ITEX,” explained Prof Dato Dr Mohamad Kadim.
The gold medal was awarded to an invention led by Dr Lau Sei Ping of the Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, “From Grid to Solar-Powered Streetlights: A Distributed Traffic-Aware Lighting Control Scheme with Energy-Neutral and Predictive Behaviour.”
With the outstanding achievement of 10 medals, Prof Dato’ Dr Mohammad Kadim is positive that these ingenuities would lead towards commercialization and with the right industrial partner, it can be done and generate income for the university.
“We already have 12 products that has been commercialized within 2 years which is an outstanding achievement,” Added Prof Dato’ Dr Mohamad Kadim.
Also present was Prof Dr Wan Hashim Wan Ibrahim, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Academic and International), Prof Dr Kopli Bujang, Deputy Vice Chancellor (Research and Innovation), Prof Dr Lo May Chiun, Director of Research and Innovation Management Centre and all the winning researchers.
Article by Yulhardi Budiman
Photo by Azlandy MAT