Events Calendar

11 December 2023 - 11 December 2025
  • Event
    28 May 2024 - 28 May 2024
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    On Saturday, May 18, 2024, 14 members from the UNIMAS Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, including medical students, public health specialist trainees, and lecturers, led the "Keluarga Sihat" health screening program organized by The Waterfront Hotel & Plaza Merdeka. The event, held at Plaza Merdeka Mall, included teams and volunteers from the Kuching Divisional Health Office, Klinik Kesihatan Jalan Masjid, Klinik Kesihatan Tanah Puteh, Kuching Divisional Dental Office, and Angkatan Zaman Mansang (AZAM) Sarawak. The program aims to educate and provide screenings on childhood health issues and adult non-communicable diseases for employees of the establishment and public visitors at Plaza Merdeka Mall and the Waterfront Hotel. The health issues addressed include vision problems, nutrition, childhood behavioral difficulties (Autism/ADHD), missed childhood vaccinations, dental health, emotional regulation and coping skills in adolescents, adult chronic illnesses as part of the National Health Screening Initiative (NHSI), and adult mental health.

    The program began at 8:30 a.m. for employees and their family members. Public participation commenced at 10 a.m. after the mall opened. Various stations for screenings, health promotions, and consultations were set up. Dental services were provided through a mobile dental clinic using a specially equipped bus. Health programs for the participants ...

  • Event
    17 May 2024 - 17 May 2024
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    The Orthopaedic Department of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences was privileged to host the OSC Part 2 Examination (Orthopaedic Specialty Committee Part 2) at the University Malaysia Sarawak, Kota Samarahan, from May 13 to May 15, 2024. This examination is part of a biennial rotation among public universities in Malaysia that offer the Master Surgery Orthopaedic program.

    The event saw the participation of six candidates: two from University Putra Malaysia, two from Universiti Sains Malaysia, one from Universiti Kebangsaan Malaysia, and one from Universiti Islam Antarabangsa. The panel of examiners included twenty professionals from various public universities and the Ministry of Health. Additionally, the exam was overseen by two Exam Board members and three observers, two of whom were from UNIMAS.

    The hosting of this examination by the Orthopaedic Department was deemed highly successful, with the examiners and Examination Board offering very impressive comments on the organization and execution of the event.

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  • Event
    03 May 2024 - 03 May 2024
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    On May 2, 2024, the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences warmly welcomed a delegation from RCERT Sdn Bhd, a Biotechnology company and Zhongrong Medical Group, a medical company based in Qingdoa China, led by the esteemed Datuk Seri Dr. Chen Chaw Min, Chairman of RCERT Sdn Bhd. The visit was marked with anticipation as both parties aimed to explore potential collaborations in stem cell research.
    The objective of the visit was  to provide the RCERT delegates with an understanding of the facilities available at the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, and to engage in discussions regarding the collaborations between the Therapeutics Research Centre of the Faculty and RCERT Sdn Bhd.
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    The visit served as a  future partnerships that have the potential to drive innovation and make significant advancements in the field of stem cell technologies.

    Following the visit, the collaboration between UNIMAS and RCERT Sdn Bhd was solidified with the signing of a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU). This momentous occasion formalized the strategic partnership between the Therapeutics Research Centre of the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences at UNIMAS and RCERT Sdn Bhd in stem cell technologies. ...

  • Event
    05 April 2024 - 05 April 2024
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    Gedong Proper, 5 April 2024 - Fakulti Perubatan dan Sains Kesihatan (FPSK) telah melaksanakan Program Kasih Syawal pada tahun ini di Gedong Proper. Aktiviti ini merupakan acara tahunan Fakulti yang diadakan pada bulan Ramadan, bulan yang mulia di kalangan umat Islam. Program ini dijalankan dengan tujuan menyemai rasa tanggungjawab, ihsan, dan empati di kalangan Warga Fakulti dan menjalin semangat kebersamaan di kalangan warga Fakulti dan masyarakat setempat.

    Bulan Ramadan dianggap sebagai waktu yang mentarbiah dan mendidik umat Islam dalam memahami erti kesabaran dan keikhlasan. Dengan pelaksanaan Program Kasih Syawal ini, diharapkan penerima sumbangan dan penyumbang dana dapat merasai keberkatan dan kegembiraan menjelang Hari Raya.

    Sebanyak 14 keluarga di sekitar Gedong Proper telah menerima bantuan makanan dan buah tangan sebagai persediaan menyambut Hari Raya.

    FPSK ingin mengucapkan penghargaan dan terima kasih kepada Tuan Haji Tamida bin Haji Da’adi, Pegawai Daerah Gedong, serta Encik Louis Andria Anak Barieng, Pegawai Tadbir Pejabat Daerah Gedong, Pemanca Haji Abang Ronee Abang Saedili, Penghulu Adian bin Salleh, dan semua Ketua Kaum yang telah memberikan sokongan dalam menjayakan program ini. Juga, terima kasih kepada semua warga fakulti yang telah menyumbangkan wang, tenaga, dan masa untuk menjayakan projek ini.

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  • Event
    28 March 2024 08:00am - 28 March 2024 05:00pm
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    FSSK: Program Agihan Bubur Lambuk dan Kurma


    Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, UNIMAS dengan kerjasama Persatuan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan dengan segala hormatnya menjemput semua Warga Kerja dan Mahasiswa/i FSSK ke program seperti di bawah. Jumpa anda di sana esok!!!

  • Event
    28 March 2024 08:00am - 28 March 2024 05:00pm
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    FSSK: Program Agihan Bubur Lambuk dan Kurma



    Fakulti Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan, UNIMAS dengan kerjasama Persatuan Sains Sosial dan Kemanusiaan (PSSK) dengan segala hormatnya menjemput semua Warga Kerja dan Mahasiswa/i FSSK ke program seperti di bawah. Jumpa anda di sana esok!!!


  • Event
    28 February 2024 - 28 February 2024
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    The faculty extends its congratulations to Dr. Melissa for her valuable contributions to society, elevating the visibility of faculty members within the community. Her active engagement with the Society for Cancer Advocacy and Awareness Kuching (SCAN) and the Sarawak Breast Cancer Support Group (SBCSG) reflects her dedication to promoting equitable healthcare access, especially for individuals residing in rural areas of Sarawak.

    She played a big part in making "Closing The Care Gap," a docu-film that opens your eyes to the struggles faced by marginalized communities in getting the cancer care they need. It's a powerful reminder of how crucial it is to catch breast cancer early.

    Read more of what Dr Melissa does here:

    #HealthcareEquity #CancerAwareness #DrMelissaLim #UNIMAS #SCAN #SBCSG

  • Event
    27 February 2024 - 27 February 2024
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    UNIMAS is pleased to share the news of Mohd Rasheedan, a staff member from the Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, specifically from the Department of Nursing, who recently achieved recognition at the Sakura Science Exchange Student Programme in Japan. Rasheedan won the Best Presenter Award for his presentation "From Kuching to Hyogo: A Memoir of Japan.”

    Held from February 17th to 22nd, 2024, and sponsored by the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), the program aimed to encourage academic and cultural exchanges between Malaysia and Japan. Rasheedan, also a PhD student at the International Islamic University Malaysia (IIUM), joined nine other students from IIUM for this initiative. The program was a joint effort with the College of Nursing and Art Science at the University of Hyogo, Japan, focusing on broadening participants' knowledge and skills through diverse experiences.

    Rasheedan's time in Japan was filled with activities that included cultural exchanges, such as sushi making and origami, and provided a look into the Hina Matsuri festival. Highlights included a workshop on disaster nursing and shelter management, a visit to the Disaster Museum to learn about the Great Hanshin Earthquake, and tours of the Red Cross Hospital in Kobe and ...

  • Event
    31 January 2024 - 31 January 2024
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    Kota Samarahan, January 30, 2024 - The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) at UNIMAS has recently concluded a significant visit to Pontianak, Kalimantan Barat, Indonesia, from January 24 to 29, 2024. Led by Dean Prof. Dr. Asri bin Said, the delegation aimed to rejuvenate and enhance bilateral ties in medical education and healthcare with local institutions, notably Institut Teknologi dan Kesehatan (ITEKES) Muhammadiyah Kalimantan Barat (KALBAR), and Fakultas Kedokteran at Universitas Tanjungpura (UNTAN). 

    A significant highlight of the visit was the discussion of a matching grant proposal aimed at bolstering the research collaboration between FMHS and the Pontianak institutions. Furthermore, FMHS is committed to providing students with an exceptional educational experience by exploring the potential for increased student mobility and global classrooms at both of its campuses.  

    The decade-long partnership with ITEKES Muhammadiyah KALBAR has been marked by student mobility, staff exchanges, and the annual three-week Basic Wound Care Education Programme for FMHS's nursing undergraduates. This year's visit included a mini graduation ceremony for students completing the programme. Additionally, the faculty participated in a Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) initiative at ITEKES's Muhammadiyah Health Care Centre that focused on diabetic foot and wound care. Prof. Dr. Kamarudin ...

  • Event
    30 January 2024 - 30 January 2024
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    The Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences (FMHS) UNIMAS has successfully conducted the 1st session of Young Doctor Club (YDC) on 26/1/2024 (Friday) in collaboration with Borneo International School. Young Doctor Club, headed by Prof Dr Kuan Jew Win, is an initiative by the faculty in fulfilling the corporate social responsibility to educate secondary school students basic medical knowledge for them to take care of themselves, their family members and people around them. We hope the project can inspire more youngsters to take up medicine and health as their future endeavour.


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